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PHP Program 1 : Write a PHP script to display welcome message && write a PHP script to display given paragraph.

Software Required: - Notepad, WordPad, Notepad++, Dreamweaver,Wamp/Xampp

Pre-requisite: - Basic knowledge of editor

Theory/Logic: -

 v Structure: -



        // Code or statement to be executed on the server side



     Ø Whenever requesting a web page with a .php extension the server locates the requested file and executes the script that is specified between <?php and ?> tag and returns output in form of just HTML back to the user.

 v Rules of PHP syntax: -

Ø You must follow the following rules for PHP syntax: -

    1.    The script of PHP must contain between <? php?>

    2.    Every statement inside <? php?> must end with a semicolon.

    3.    String must contain either a single quotation mark or a double quotation mark.

    4.    You can make a line as a comment using either // or /* */.No other symbols are permitted for making a line as a comment. Every variable in a script must start with the $sign.

    5.    Name of the variable cannot start with a digit and it cannot contain white spaces.

    6.    PHP is case-sensitive.

 v Code: -



            <title>PHP Program</title>



<?php echo "<u>WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF PHP</u><br /><br />Thanks for visitting our website.<br /><br

            /><br /><p><h2> We are glad to have you with us.<br>

We will serve as good as possible and we will give our best.</h2></p>" ?>



 v Output: -

PHP Program 1 : Write a PHP script to display welcome message && write a PHP script to display given paragraph. PHP Program 1 : Write a PHP script to display welcome message && write a PHP script to display given paragraph. Reviewed by Abhishek Nalla on February 07, 2022 Rating: 5

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